swear word

美 [ˈswer wɜːrd]英 [ˈsweə wɜːd]
  • n.(表示气愤等的)诅咒语,骂人的话,脏话

复数: swear words

swear wordswear word


a rude or offensive word, used, for example, to express anger


swear word


  • 1
    N-COUNT 骂人的话;粗话;脏话
    A swear word is a word which is considered to be rude or offensive. Swear words are usually used when people are angry.

  1. Like a new swear word sweeping across school playgrounds , suddenly everyone is talking about 200-day moving averages .


  2. As a boy I 'd have been in dead trouble if I 'd ever used the name of Jesus as a swear word at home .


  3. Type in a swear word and press the enter key .


  4. We use this expression before or after we have said something rude , for example , a swear word .


  5. Today , Michael told me that FUCK is not slang , it 's just a swear word .


  6. She mouthed a swear word .


  7. and practising secrecy as if they were spies on a mission ( transparency seems to be a swear word ) .


  8. Some 67 participants were asked to keep their hands submerged in ice cold water as along as possible , either repeating a swear word or a neutral word over and over .


  9. Researchers at Keele University 's School of Psychology recruited 71 undergraduates who were asked to carry out a cold-water challenge while either repeating a swear word or a non-swear word .


  10. Sure , we could just say " This concert is awesome ," but the addition of the swear word emphasizes the emotional reaction we have toward it & and easily conveys that emotional reaction to others .


  11. Why do people swear ? Why does using a swear word make us feel better ? How do we choose which word we use ?
